Love Is...Our Reason for Being
"I think love is the entire purpose of life. I think love is God expressing himself through us. When it comes with attachments and jealousies and etc., I think that is where we are inserting ourselves into the mix and not letting love (God) flow through without obstruction.
I think, as we grow on our spiritual journey, we are more and more able to let that love flow through us without the human limitations."
Love Is...Openness
Love Is...Simple Gestures That Speak Volumes
Love Is...Putting Others First
"To me, love is being able and willing to put oneself aside in order to serve the needs of, friend, neighbor, stranger or foe. To quiet that voice in your head with the to-do lists, the have-to-go reasons and the must-haves, and live in the present moment with that individual. It could be listening (really listening) to an old man recounting the adventures of his youth or taking the time to understand a person you don't even like, to see what she/he sees and maybe why. All people are precious to God and therefore worth both your time and care."
Love Is...Compassion
"Love is one thing, but there are many types of love. There's friendship and romantic love. I would say that compassion is also a form of love, probably the one that will save us as a species and save our planet.... I believe the original sin was selfishness.... I can't think of any factor more than selfishness that causes so much suffering in the world today. Some believe love and hate are opposites. I believe love and selfishness are. Love is sharing, and compassion, and right action. All the good stuff and none of the bad."
Love Is...Unconditional
"Love means accepting someone just as they were created, unconditionally. It means loving someone no matter what they say or do. Love DOES mean having to say you are sorry, if you love someone with a big ego."