Sophrology Exercises
Here are a couple of simple exercises used by sophrologists.
To release mind/body tension:
Stand in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus your attention on your body. Are you feeling any tension? Where is it located in your body? Is your mind so busy that you can’t concentrate? In an effort to release body and mind tension, bring both arms straight above your head then inhale deeply, inflating your abdomen first, then your chest, and hold your breath. While holding your breath, tense every part of your body, including your face and toes, for 3 seconds. Release the tension as you exhale and lower your arms. As you breathe out, be aware of tension being released from your whole body and let go of it.
Do this exercise three times slowly, taking the time to really experience the sensation of relaxation that occurs with the exhalations.
The 11 Sophrology Exercises for Level 1
To calm and focus the mind:
1. Inhale for a comfortable count, then exhale for longer than your exhalation by a count or two. Breathe into your belly feeling it rise with your inhalation and fall with your exhalation. Allow 3 to 4 minutes for this exercise and feel the benefits.
2. Humming: Inhale, and as you exhale, gently hum. Make sure your humming is longer than the inhalation. Notice how the sounds make different parts of your body vibrate.
Yoga practitioners will recognise these as variations of pranayamatechniques.
The exercises, such as those given above, and demonstrated in the video, are easy to remember and can be done anytime, anywhere. When practiced regularly, the exercises train your mind and body to become healthier and stronger and more focused on a rational, yet positive, approach to life. Working one-on-one with a sophrologist, you may be able to focus in on problem areas and work through them gently and without medication. As with any mind/body practice, regular practise is the key to success.
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