Monday, May 18, 2020

10 Days of Happiness


Day 1: Giving: Do things for others

Hello, it’s Lia your Digital Coach here again. Welcome to Day 1 of our journey together.

Helping others is closely linked to happiness, so today we’re exploring ways to include more acts of kindness in our day. This is particularly important when those around us are facing difficult times. When you do something kind for someone else, you make a difference for them and this also enhances your own well-being too.

Here are three ideas for small acts that you can do today. Try one of these or come up with your own:
Treat people with a little extra kindness today, including yourself.
Ask a loved one how they're feeling and really listen to them.
Offer to help someone who might be lonely or in need of support.
Today’s action:

What act of kindness will you try today?

Day 2: Relating: Connect with people

Hello, Lia here - it’s great to be with you again.

Good relationships are important for our health and well-being, especially in challenging times. A study at Harvard showed that people with supportive relationships had better overall health and happier mood, even when they were in physical pain.

All relationships have challenges and we can’t change other people! But we can choose how we respond. So, today focus on a relationship you’d like to strengthen. Here are some ideas:

Contact someone you care about to say "Hi" and let them know you're thinking of them.
Call a family member or a friend and take a real interest in what’s happening in their life by really listening and asking questions.
Think about a quality you admire in someone and let them know how much you appreciate it.
Today’s action:

Which relationship will you strengthen today and how?

Day 3: Exercising: Take care of your body

Hello again, hope you’re enjoying the program so far.

Physical activity has great benefits for our mental health. A short walk can do wonders to boost happiness and even help us manage symptoms of depression.

There are lots of simple ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Here are some ideas:

Get outside and do something active.
Put on a song you love and have a daytime dance party.
Set a timer to remind you to move every hour.
You don’t even have to go outside -- so if you’re stuck indoors you can still take time to breathe and stretch.

Today’s action:

What will you do today to be active?

Day 4: Awareness: Live life mindfully

We've all had moments of being present, whether it's listening to a song we love, appreciating the beauty of nature or being immersed in a hobby. These experiences involve fully focusing on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Research shows that pausing and taking time to notice your surroundings can help you feel calmer and happier. And the good news is that we can actively create more of these mindful moments in our daily lives.

Here are a few simple tips to try now:
Take five deep breaths. Notice how your body moves as you breathe in and out.
Close your eyes. Name five sounds that you hear.
Notice how you're feeling right now, with awareness but without judgement.
Today’s action:

How will you be more present today?

Day 5: Trying out: Keep learning new things

Trying new things can boost our confidence and bring a sense of achievement. But if lots of things are changing around us, it can feel overwhelming too.

So if you haven't tried anything new recently, make a plan to do something different today. Or if your daily routines have recently changed, try to make the most of your new situation.

Here are some ideas to help you do something different or appreciate what's new:

Listen to different music or a new podcast.
Try out a new game, exercise or food.
Look for the positive aspects in recent changes to your routine.
Make time to do something you love but haven't done recently.
Today’s action:

What will you enjoy doing differently today?

Day 6 Direction: Have goals to look forward to

Having a goal that you’re excited about can help you feel more motivated and purposeful. And guess what? It doesn’t have to be complicated. It could just be a simple plan for something you're looking forward to, like catching up with an old friend.

Whether your goal is big, like completing a project, or small, like taking 5 minutes to relax, it can bring a sense of purpose and help you feel more satisfied.

Today's action:

What goal are you excited about and what’s your next step towards it?

Day 7 Resilience: Find ways to bounce back

It’s OK not to be OK. Everyone faces adversity in their lives and it's completely normal.

When faced with a difficult situation, you have a choice about how you respond. You can let it bring you down, or you can do something to help you overcome it. This is called resilience.

Think of something that’s causing you stress at the moment. Here are some ideas to help you bounce back. Plan to do one of these today or come up with your own:

A problem shared is a problem halved. Call a friend or family member and talk about what’s going on.

Reframe the situation. Look for a way to see this as an opportunity and respond constructively to it.

Shift your perspective by doing something that brings you joy, like exercising, reading or listening to music.

Today’s action:

What will you do to be more resilient today?

Day 8 Emotions: Look for what's good

With so much uncertainty in the world right now, it’s only natural to focus on what’s wrong. But research shows it’s vital you also pay attention to the things in your life that you’re grateful for.

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day. Noticing and appreciating the little good things helps you feel happier and deal better with the challenges.

Let’s give this a try right now:
Bring to mind something that made you smile recently, however small.
Look at your surroundings and notice one thing you’re thankful to have around you.
Think of a person that you’re happy to have in your life. (Bonus points, call or send them a text.)

Today’s action:

What (or who) are you grateful for and why?

Day 9 Acceptance: Be comfortable with who you are

Has anyone ever told you to give yourself a break? We tend to hold ourselves to an unrealistic standard and then beat ourselves up when we don't achieve it. But, the good news is that we can learn to speak more kindly to ourselves and it really makes a difference.

Here’s a great way to do this:
Bring to mind something you’re hard on yourself about. Perhaps it’s something you feel “should” have done (or not done) or that you’re not “good enough” at?

Now imagine someone you love is being hard on themselves in that same way.

What would you say to reassure your loved one?
What sort of words would you say to support them?
How would you want them to feel?
Here’s the clever part... now turn those same warm feelings inwards towards yourself. Say the same kind things to yourself in the same caring way.

Today’s action:

What would you say to a friend being hard on themselves? (and now say it to yourself)

Day 10 Meaning: Be part of something bigger

Feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself brings a sense of meaning to life. We can all make a difference to something or someone else. It can also help us get our daily worries and problems into perspective.

Here are a few simple ways to help you feel more connected and purposeful. Try one of these or come up with your own...

Collect together photos of people and things that are meaningful to you.
Do something to contribute to a cause you care about.
Volunteer your time (there are ways to do this virtually too).
Spend time in nature or a place that inspires you.
Create something, like a piece of art or music.
Help someone. Anyone.

Today’s action:

What will you do to feel part of something bigger?