Friday, February 11, 2022

Global Heart Oneness Project


Global Heart Oneness Project

From “I” to “We” to “One”

From the point of Light
within the mind of Oneness,
Let Light stream forth into our minds;
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love
within the heart of Oneness,
Let Love stream forth into our hearts;
May Love increase on Earth.

From the center where
the will of Oneness is known,
Let purpose guide our wills;
The purpose which the Holy Ones know and serve.

From the center
which we call humanity,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it transform darkness into light.

Let Light, Love, and Unity heal our world.
Let Light, Love, and Unity awaken humanity.
Let Light, Love, and Unity cultivate peace and harmony on Earth.

(Inspired by “The Great Invocation”)