Sunday, March 9, 2014

Free 6 week online course on mediation

Welcome to e-Learning!

We're excited to start this journey with you! To help you get the most out of the Mind the Moment e-learning course, we've outlined each week’s topic on this page. View the lesson and then put what you’ve learned to work for you -- give the practice video a try. Be sure to check out the helpful tips for each topic. We recommend spending at least one week (more if it suits you) practicing with each module. At the end of every week you will be able to start the next lesson.

In this lesson, you will learn about mindfulness and the benefits. In addition to defining mindfulness, the instructor will guide you through a body scan – one of many practices designed to bring about mindfulness.

In this session you will explore what happens to the body under stress and how mindfulness helps manage the impact of stress on the body. You will discover the role the mind plays in whether or not you feel something as stressful. You will be introduced to the practice of sitting meditation, and learn how to use mindfulness during situations that are challenging.

In this lesson, we will learn about Yin Yoga postures. Yin Yoga is a gentle practice that is perfect for the beginner. Postures are performed while seated on the floor, and can be modified to fit your needs. Yin Yoga is designed to improve flexibility, range of motion, health and wellbeing - in addition to supporting your other mindfulness practices.

Walking meditation involves intentionally attending to the experience of walking itself. It is most commonly done at a slow pace, walking back and forth a short distance and involves focusing on the sensations in your feet or your legs or alternately feeling your whole body moving.

Mindful eating involves bringing the practice of mindfulness to food; where it comes from, why we are eating, and how we are eating. In our fast-paced culture, many of us eat on the run or while doing other activities. You will learn to engage with the taste, texture, and meaning of why we eat, and to recognize the body''s signals about hunger.

In this program you were introduced to mindfulness and the many practices that help increase your ability to manage stress, and contribute to physical changes in your brain that affect learning, memory, decision making, and more. We will now talk about starting your own practice and how you can continue to bring this skill in to your daily life, both formally and informally.