Friday, September 4, 2009

What Happiness Is…

by Tess

Free Purple Flowers at The Train Station Unedited Creative Commons

Creative Commons License photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Under all of our desires is our desire to be happy. You may want a new home, nice car, better health or romance but you need it to be happy. Happiness is a positive emotional state, an interal choice.

What happiness is:

Knowing who I am

Being who I am

Accepting who you are

Inner peace

Knowing what is important

Living in harmony with nature

Compassion for others

Being mindful

Savoring everyday

Giving thanks

Total engagement

Having good character

Playfulness and laughter

Passion and enthusiasm

Meaning and purpose

Honoring family and friends

Forgiving self and others

A love of learning

Kindness and generosity

Loving and being loved

Appreciation of beauty

Faith, hope and optimism

An inside job

Living my best life

Nothing Iv’e listed are tangible. Happiness is an inside job. Choose to live happy regardless of your circumstances today. Create a peaceful and loving energy.

It’s an empowering choice!

You can never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy. -Eric Hoffer