Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Peace Needs Love

“Peace—the word evokes the simplest and most cherished dream of humanity. Peace is, and has always been, the ultimate human aspiration. And yet our history overwhelmingly shows that while we speak incessantly of peace, our actions tell a very different story.”

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar is a Peruvian diplomat who served as the fifth Secretary-General of the United Nations. The words above are his. I agree with him. I truly believe that peace is the most cherished dream of humanity. I also believe that we are tired of dreaming of peace. Given the state of our world today, we’re not sure peace is reachable let alone actionable.

How can I, one person, take action for peace? How can you?

The thing about dreams, our dreams for our own lives, is that we love them. Part of living in freedom is the freedom not only to have our own dreams, but to love our dreams enough to take the actions that make them come true. Not everyone in our world has this option.

Tama J. Kieves writes in September 2007’s issue of Science of Mind, “Big dreams deserve big love.” This is an action we can all take to promote the dream of peace. We can all do this because the action takes place in our minds and hearts.

The next time you sit or wait or stand in silence send the love that you are to the idea of peace for our world. Make this a habit. Send big love to peace. This may sound fuzzy to those who prefer the seen to the unseen. On the other hand, everything begins with a dream.

Peace is a big dream. Let’s love it into reality.

by Susan Corso on 8/27/2007